07.04.2008 - 07.04.2008

The promotion of Ewa Woydyłło book "W zgodzie ze sobą"

After a big success of her previous books “Sekrety kobiet” and “My-rodzice dorosłych dzieci” it is a time for a new therapeutic book of Ewa Woydyłło entitled “W zgodzie z samym sobą”.

We would like to invite to the promotion of the book which will take place on the 7th of April 2008 at 5 p.m. in the Old Town Hall in Gdańsk, Korzenna 33/35

The meeting will be run by Małgorzata żerwe.


This time Ewa Woydyłło, psychologist and psychotherapist, will lead a discussion with a reader about the psychology, understand not only as a branch of science but also as a group of practical skills which form together the experience and the individual life wisdom of a man. These experience and wisdom can be developed. Ewa Woydyłło shares her knowledge, which helps to understand ourselves and others.


Ewa Woydyłło is a Doctor of Psychology; she works as a psychotherapist in the Department of Substance Dependence Prevention and Treatment in the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw. Author of popular books. She received the medal of St George, the award of the Minister of Justice, for her work with the addicted in prisons