13.04.2008 - 13.04.2008

Music Bridges

The Baltic Sea Cultural Centre, agitPolska and Lado ABC record company would like to invite to a concert of The Car Is On Fire, Trashmonkeys and Pawilon, which will take place on the 13th of April 2008 in Klub Kwadratowa, as a part of the Music Bridges project.


Trashmonkeys is a mixed group of four people created in 1998; its members come from Brema and Lancaster. They have already recorded 4 albums, many video clips and they went on a tour with The Cramps or The Hives. Nowadays, they are preparing to the spring tour with The Futureheads.  


The Car is on Fire was created in Warsaw in 2002. In 2005 its debut album was released by Pomaton EMI and the group became popular in the whole country. They also got a nomination to Fryderyki. The second album assured its popularity and the position of the group on the home music scene.


Pawilon, a group from Tricity, first appeared on the “Offensywa” . The group recorded “Elo” and “Retromantik” produced by Biodro Records- a record company of Tymon Tymański. The premiere took place on the 25th of March 2008.


Music Bridges is a Project started by the Baltic Sea Cultural Centre last year, when a group from Gdańsk- Bad Taste and a group from Swedish Kalmar- Trashedy met first in Gdańsk, then in Kalmar where they took part in common workshops, recording sessions and concerts in local clubs.
This year we run this project once again in a slightly new formula- with an extended educational character and the emphasis on the mutual promotion of a home music scene in Poland and Germany.


We start on the 13th of April in Gdańsk with a concert of 3 groups: The Car is on Fire from Warsaw, Trashmonkeys from Brema and Pawilon from Gdańsk. The concert brings to an end a Polish mini-tour of the first two groups. In a couple of months those two groups will perform in Brema.
In the summer we plan common workshops for a beginning group from the region and a group from Brema, finalized by the common concert at the open air festival Viertelfest in Brema. Polish days in Brema at the beginning of October will be another occasion to send a Polish band there.