13.06.2011 - 13.06.2011

"Dziecko z chmur" - meeting with authors of the book and a panel discussion about adoption

Together with Nasza Księgarnia Publishing House we invite you to a meeting with the authors of a book Dziecko z chmur (A Child from the Clouds), Justyna Bigos and Beata Mozer. The subject of a book – adoption – will also be the main theme of a panel discussion that will take place after presenting the publication.

START: 6.00 pm

Selected fragments of a book will read Joanna Kreft-Baka (Wybrzeże Theatre).

Apart of the authors we have also invited:

  • dr Anna Liberek pediatrics specialist from the Gdansk Medical University
  • representatives of Fundation Dla Rodziny (For Family)
    • Grażyna Bruska
    • Joanna Skurska
    • Maja Kanarek
    • Lucyna Paczos