We would like to invite you, of all ages, from the youngest to the elderly, to an extraordinary, timeless exhibition. The Baltic Sea Cultural Center in Gdańsk, preparing to celebrate the passing 65th birthday of Miś Uszatek, invited a group of children's illustration enthusiasts to prepare an exhibition of the widely known and liked hero.

Miś Uszatek. Oryginały ilustracji Zbigniewa Rychlickiego
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We invited one of the illustrator's stars, Patryk Hardziej, and asked him to prepare the program of the Baltic Meetings of Illustrators in 2022. Meetings, discussions and workshops of the 17th edition are almost behind us, but an important part of this project - the exhibition, is still ongoing. This year, the exhibition is exceptionally meaningful.

grafika przedstawojąca sylwetki ludzi tańczących w okręgu, trzymają się za ręce, napis spotkanie 17 bałtyckie spotkani ilustratorów
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Game of Gdansk

Game of Gdansk. Reflections on the creative development and use

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