11.03.2005 - 11.03.2005

Ken Bugul - Meeting with a writer

In the meeting take part: Ken Bugul – writer from Senegal, Ewa Graczyk – literary critic, Magdalena żylicz – psychologist.

Organizers: BSCC, Alliance Française – Center in Gdańsk, PIW Publishing House, Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne

During the meeting Ken Bugul is going to promote her last novel As seen from the other site (PIW Publishing House)

Ken Bugul, which means ‘one who is unwanted’, is the pseudonym used by writer Mariètou Mbaye BilÓoma who was born in 1947 in Senegal. Following her primary school studies in her village, she undertook her secondary schooling at the lycÓe at Thiès, after which she spent a year at the University of Dakar from where she obtained a bursary that enabled her to continue her studies in Belgium.
From 1986 to 1993, Mariètou Mbaye was an International Official, based successively in Kenya, Congo, Togo as Head of Programs within the African Region of the IPPF (International Planned Parenthood Federation), a NGO concerned with projects related to family planning. She has also been convenor of writing workshops in underprivileged areas (Therapeutic Writing Rehabilitation) and has worked in the promotion of cultural works, objects of art and Art and Craft (2003).
Today she is a widow, she lives in Benin where she writes books and does a small business which promotes and sells objects of art, cultural works and handicrafts.