23.06.2006 - 28.06.2006

?więtojańskie ?więtowanie

Interdisciplinary festival, it opens summer season of culture in Gdańsk. As always the main center of the most events there will be gotic church - St. John's Center (50 ?więtojańska Street). During the festival the following artists are going to give their performance: Ewa Podleś, Zbigniew Namysłowski, Jacek Staniszewski, Giovanni Botta, Wojciech Michniewski, Chamber Orchestra "Hanseatica" and many others.


· 23.06, 7 p.m. - Videoperformance by Jacek Staniszewski, admission free

· 24 June, 7 p.m. - Mozart goes jazz ­– concert of Zbigniew Namysłowski and his band.
Tickets: in advance 20, 10 PLN, in the day of the concert: 30, 20 PLN.

· 25 June, 12, ?więtojański Feat – holly mass, fair, exposition of the rare books from Zachariasz Zappio Liberary, admission free.

· 27 – 28 June, 7 p.m. - III ?więtojańskie Noce Muzyki Operowej. Information: 58 763 49 06.

Organizers: Baltic Opera, BSCC, Duszpasterstwo ?rodowisk Twórczych.