11:30 Sound Walk led by Marcin Dymiter and Magdalena Świerczyńska-Dolot

Outdoor walk around the centre of GdańskStart: St. John's Centre in Gdańsk, 50 Świętojańska Street


The theme of the sound walk is a tale about the city space. Participants will examine such phenomena as rhythm, movement and echo, which can be heard both in the natural world and in the city. The walking route covers historical spaces, green areas, places where culture and nature meet and other spaces that encourage reflection on what we hear and what is the quality of the sound environment. We will also recall tales, stories of the places and people's accounts – those recorded in sounds and those that can be easily missed. 

Emiter (MARCIN DYMITER) specialises in the area of electronics, field recording and improvised music. He creates sound installations, radio dramas and music for films, theatre productions, exhibitions and public spaces. Author of the “Field Notes” project, sound maps and an educational music project titled “Tracklista”. He conducts sound workshops and activities that promote the idea of field recording. He also plays in such projects as emiter, niski szum, ZEMITER, PICA PICA and other ephemeral formations. Author of books: Notatki z terenu (2021) and Maszyny do ciszy (2023), nominated for the Gdynia Literary Award. He collaborates with Dwutygodnik, an online magazine about culture. Member of the Polish Society for Electroacoustic Music.


Magdalena Świerczyńska-Dolot - professionally associated with radio and sound for more than ten years. President of the Audionomia Foundation, which popularises and supports sound reportage. Head of the Reportage editorial team of Radio 357, she previously worked for Polskie Radio. She loves to recount people’s stories using sound. In addition to reportages, she also creates audio guides and podcasts. Holder of the Jacek Stwora grant, nominated for the Prix Europa, Grand Press, awarded the Prix Bohemia (with Katarzyna Michalak) for the “Nie słyszę” (I Can’t Hear) project (https://nieslysze.pl/). He runs attentive listening classes in kindergartens and schools. Co-author of a book for teachers Słuchaj, aby zrozumieć.


Photo: Bartosz Fatek (M.Ś-D)

Photo: Anna Rezulak (Emiter)