Koneła Kolory Bałtyku 25112020
25.11.2020 - 25.11.2020

Nordic noir. A chat with Sebastian Jakub Konefał

The severity of the image, intriguing heroes, socio-cultural issues and, finally, complex crime mystery. These are ones of the elements that build stories from the far North. The November edition of "Colours of the Baltic" will bring you to the disturbing world of cinema noir.

Sebastian Jakub Konefał is a film expert, author of  “Corpus futuri. Literackie i filmowe wizerunki postludzi”, “Kino Islandii: Tradycja i ponowoczesność” and “Cinema of Iceland: Between Tradition and Liquid Modernity”. He will talk on popularity of nordic cinematography, its features and controversial issues.

The meeting will be held by Joanna Borowik-Hołubowicz.

Sebastian Jakub Konefał

Professor at Film and Audiovideal Culture Cathedral at the University of Gdańsk. Scholar of Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji (Educational System Development Foundation). Author of books: “Corpus futuri. Literackie i filmowe wizerunki postludzi”, “Kino Islandii: Tradycja i ponowoczesność” and “Cinema of Iceland: Between Tradition and Liquid Modernity”. Co-author of "Światowa Encyklopedia Filmu Religijnego" ("World Encyclopedia of Religion Film") and "World Film Locations: Reykjavik". Academic editor of "Anatomia wyobraźni" ("Anathomy of Imagination") monography, "Sacrum w kinie. Dekadę później". He likes dogs, comic books and computer games.


START: 7.00 pm

The meeting will be streamed live in Polish language.