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11.12.2021 - 11.12.2021

St. Lucia's Day - Swedish Light Day


BSCC - Old Town Hall

Scandic Hotel

Start: 4.00 pm


NCK - free

Scandic Hotel - tickets 39 PLN, available at the hotel's restaurant


13th December is the shortest day of the year. That day Sweden celebrates a picturesque parade with girls dressed in white, crowned with enlightened candles.

Lucia, latin "lux", meaning light. Lucia is a Christian patroness of light because of tortures she experienced defending her faith - loss of eyes. St. Lucia takes care of blind persons and also... writers. Her day, apart from remembering the patroness, symbolises waiting for spring. The candle lights symbolise longer and longer days. But St. Lucia Day also reflects today's social problems in Sweden.
On this and more we will be talking with dr Natalia Kołaczek, translator and Swedish teacher, author of a blog on Sweden called "Szwecjoblog".
St. Lucia Day can't go without the parade. The festive parade prepared by the students of Ateneum Academy and Magdalena Pramfelt, the Honour Swedish Consul and Head of the Polish-Swedish Economical Chamber, will start at 5:00 pm.  

Another custom on 13th December is baking saffron cupcakes, usually washed down with a cup of coffe or mulled wine (glögg). While the cupcakes are in the over, we will be making creatures out of single socks who lost their couples in the washing machine.

Skål! (Cheers!)